perm filename META4.BIB[RDG,DBL]1 blob sn#628607 filedate 1981-12-10 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	@Comment{ Cognitive Science }
C00003 00003	@Comment{ Philosophy }
C00004 00004	@Comment{ Heuristics, ... }
C00006 00005	@Comment{ Metaphor, Analogy }
C00012 ENDMK
@Comment{ Cognitive Science }

Key = "Gregory",
Author = "Gregory, Richard L.",
Title = "The Intelligent Eye",
Publisher = "McGraw-Hill Book Company",
Year = 1970,
Address = "San Francisco")
@Comment{ Philosophy }

Key = "Hintikka",
Author = "Hintikka, Jaako",
Title = "?",
Publisher = "?",
Year = 1970,
Address = "?")
@Comment{ Heuristics, ... }

Key = "Lenat",
Author = "Lenat, Douglas B.", 
Title = "The Nature of Heuristics",
Number = "HPP-80-26",
Type = WP, 
Institution = CSDSU,
Month = DEC, Year = 1980)

Key = "Hayes-Roth",
Author = "Hayes-Roth, Frederick", 
Title = "?",
Number = "?",
Type = RWD, 
Institution = RAND,
Month = MAR, Year = 1981)

Key = "Lakatos",
Author = "Lakatos, Imre",
Title = "Proofs and Refutations: The Logic of Mathematical Descovery",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press",
Address = "Cambridge",
Year = 1977)

Key = "Polya",
Author = "Polya, George", 
Title = "Induction and Analogy in Mathematics",
BookTitle = "Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning",
Volume = 1,
Publisher = "Princeton University Press", Address = "Princeton",
Year = 1954)

Key = "Polya",
Author = "Polya, George", 
Title = "Patterns of Plausible Inference",
BookTitle = "Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning",
Volume = 2,
Publisher = "Princeton University Press", Address = "Princeton",
Year = 1954)

@Comment{ Metaphor, Analogy }

Key = "Lakoff",
Author = "Lakoff, George and Johnson, Mark",
Title = "Metaphors We Live By",
Publisher = "The University of Chicago Press",
Address = "Chicago", Year = 1980)

Key = "Carbonell",
Author = "Carbonell, Jaime,", 
Title = "Invariance Hierarchy in Metaphor Interpretation",
Pages = "292-295",
Booktitle = "3-Cognitive Science",
Organization = "University of California, Berkeley",
Month = AUG, Year = 1981)

Key = "Carbonell",
Author = "Carbonell, Jaime,", 
Title = "A Computaional Model of Analogicl Problem Solving",
Pages = "147-152",
Booktitle = "7-IJCAI",
Organization = "University of British Columbia",
Month = AUG, Year = 1981)

Key = "Hofstadter",
Author = "Hofstadter, Douglas",
Title = "Roles and Analogies in Real and Artificial Worlds",
Extra = "In Metamathetical Themas section",
Journal = "Scientific American",
Month = SEP, Year = 1981)

Key = "Kling",
Author = "Kling, Robert E.",
Title = "A Paradigm for Reasoning by Analogy",
Journal = "Artificial Intelligence", Year = 1971, Pages = "147-178",
Volume = 2)

Key = "Evans",
Author = "Evans",
Title = "Analogy?",
Booktitle = "Semantic Information Processing",
Editor = "Marvin Minsky", Year = 1965,
Publisher = "The MIT Press",
Address = "Cambridge")

Key = "Ortony",
Editor = "Ortony, Andrew",
Title = "Metaphor and Thought",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge", Year = 1979)

Key = "Ortony",
Author = "Ortony, Andrew",
Title = "The Role of Similarity in Similie and Metaphor",
Pages = "187-201",
Editor = "Ortony, Andrew",
BookTitle = "Metaphor and Thought",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge", Year = 1979)

Key = "Paivio",
Author = "Paivio, Allan",
Title = "Psychological Processes in the Comprehension of Metaphor",
Pages = "150-171",
Editor = "Ortony, Andrew",
BookTitle = "Metaphor and Thought",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge", Year = 1979)

Key = "Miller",
Author = "Miller, George A.",
Title = "Images and Models, Similes and Metaphors",
Pages = "202-252",
Editor = "Ortony, Andrew",
BookTitle = "Metaphor and Thought",
Publisher = "Cambridge University Press", Address = "Cambridge", Year = 1979)

Key = "McDermott",
Author = "McDermett, John",
Title = "Learning to Use Analogies",
Institution = CMU, Year = 1979)

Key = "Winston",
Author = "Winston, Patrick H.",
Title = "Learning and Reasoning by Analogy", Pages = "689-703",
Journal = "Communications of the ACM",
Month = DEC, Year = 1980,
Volume = 23, Number = 12)

Key = "Hesse",
Author = "Hesse, Mary",
Title = "Models and Analogy",
Publisher = ?, Address = ?,
Year = 1966)

Key = "Gentner",
Author = "Gentner, Dedre",
Title = "The Structure of Analogical Models in Science",
Institution = "Bolt, Beranek and Newman Inc.",
Number = 4451,
Month = JUL, Year = 1980)

Key = "Gentner",
Author = "Gentner, Dedre",
Title = "Studies of Metaphor and Complex Analogies",
Booktitle = "Symposium on Metaphor as Process",
Organization = "A.P.A", Address = "Montreal",
Month = SEP, Year = 1980)

Key = "Darden",
Author = "Darden, Lindley",
Title = "?",
Institution = "University of Maryland",
Year = ?)